About Us

As time progressed, I gained a deeper understanding of life and realized, there isn’t enough time in a day. Adulting requires building a career that will keep you away from home, and even if you work from home, your focus is on work, not the home itself. Although this process is essential to survive post-retirement, other aspects of our lives that are equally important get neglected, specifically our homes.

Saturday Morning Cleaning Company provides effective practical solutions that give you the gift of time back. Partnering with us allows you to build a successful career and most importantly, spend quality time with loved ones, without having to choose. We aren’t just a deep cleaning company, we curate clean spaces that restore mental and physical peace, and pride of ownership. These spaces are where heartfelt memories are made, and generational wealth is built.

We are a family owned and operated company led by a professional who has over 15 years cleaning experience with Fortune 200 companies. I bring a wealth of cleaning experience, which includes food production facilities. My time applying and enforcing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) has instilled in me the critical importance of meticulous cleaning and sanitation protocols. I’m adept at following specific procedures, understanding cross-contamination risks, and ensuring a consistently hygienic environment. I’m confident in my ability to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and contribute to a safe and efficient environment – secular or home.


Sarita Wynder

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